The Educational offer of Pre-School Education|1st Cycle includes several valences that go beyond, on a large scale, the limits of regular education. The annual fee for Pre-School Pre-School | 1st Cycle INCLUDES the following services:
Curricular component
Teaching by Projects (Pyramid of Learning, Dale/Bloom)
Presentation of projects by the Students to the Parents, at the School
1 Meeting after each project (approximately every month and a half)
1 Bilingual Day per week
dance classes
Music classes
Theater class
Free Access to Internal Auditions CMDS (Specialized Art Education)
Vegetarian food option
Reduced number of Students per Class/Room (maximum 19 Students per Room)
ATL from September to the end of July, between 08:00 and 18:30, without any additional cost
Morning and afternoon snacks
Lunch (with vegetarian option)
OTHER SERVICES (not included in the Annual Fee):
Weekly Complementary Activities: Building Emotional Intelligence (by Psychologists), Horse Riding.
Other activities: Masterclasses for Students, Seminars for Parents, Orchestra and Choir Internship(s), Dance Internship(s), Holiday Camps (Equestrianism, Sailing, Visit to the Lighthouse, Culinary Workshop, Swimming pool, Salt Museum, Atelier de jewelry, Story Time, Surfing, Cinema, among others).